Hong Kong
News Digest

China Business

Asia Trade Experts was established to  facilitate trade between the UK, Europe & North America with Asia through targeted partner identification, sourcing of raw materials/products, selling of products/services and establishment of joint ventures. So, if you want to buy from or sell to Asia, Asia Trade Experts is your one-stop shop. We have offices and associates in Vietnam, Hong Kong and Australia.  We can help you with your China business.  In addition, we have associates across Asia, where we haven't established an office.

We provide the full spectrum of international business consulting services for clients interested in doing business in Asia. We assist companies interested in manufacturing, investing or opening an office or factory in Asia.

Asia Trade Experts specialises in guiding all enterprises, be they large, medium, small or family-owned businesses to expand their operations in Asia. We combine international knowledge and experience with local intelligence and connections.

Specifically, we provide the following services:
  • Trade Sourcing; Leads; Raw Materials; Products – We are specialists in assisting companies seeking to produce products or to source products in all parts of Asia. Our specialists in Hong Kong/China, Vietnam, Thailand and other parts of Southeast Asia can help you find the best company to produce and source your product. As a Client, you can specify sourcing opportunities that are of interest to you and we will endeavour to identify them for you.
  • Business Intelligence – We provide customised information about enterprises throughout Asia; government and municipal policies, laws, current and historical business trends; and profiles of various enterprises and key decision makers who can have an influence on the proposed opportunity/project. This service is available by subscription to our News Digest and through Targeted Reports, See News for more details.
  • Sales & Marketing – Information including research on advertising effectiveness: New product market research; competitive market situation (SWOT analysis), recommendations on options for sales and marketing in the target market. As our Client, we provide you with such advice that is necessary.
  • News Digest – We provide a summary of news and information that is pertinent to your business focus through subscription to our News Digest. You chose the sector(s) which you want to be briefed on and the frequency (daily/weekly/monthly) and the information will be delivered to your email inbox. See News for more details.
  • Targeted Reports – In addition to the delivery of regular news and information through subscription to our News Digest, you have the ability to commission one-off reports that will provide detailed information on a sector that is pertinent to your business focus.
  • English-speaking Experts on-the-ground in Vietnam and Hong Kong, who can provide effective facilitation. This gives you and your company experience, knowledge, a trusted partner and an added advantage to help you in all aspects of your new endeavour in Asia.
  • Supplier / Partner / Joint Venture Identification – As our Client, you identify the type of supplier. partners or joint venture with which you wish to be involved. We will conduct due diligence and identify suitable connections, to whom we can make introductions and facilitate meetings.
  • Client / Customer Identification – As our Client, you identify the type of buyers or customers with whom you wish to be involved. We will conduct due diligence and identify suitable persons or groups, to whom we can make introductions and facilitate meetings.
  • Local Introductions – As our Client, you identify specific persons, groups or agencies with whom you wish to be involved with. If those targets are within our connections network, we will make introductions and facilitate meetings.
  • Investment Identification – As our Client, on your behalf we can conduct an investment analysis or feasibility study; provide business partners' credit and status reports; locate and recommend agents and joint venture partners for foreign companies; assist with banking, accounting and legal services selection investigation and recommendations.
  • Opportunity Analysis using SWOT approach – Having helped many clients through the various enterprises that I have established (investment advisory firm, project management company and property development group), together with associates in different locations, we are expert at assisting firms to assess opportunities in Hong Kong/China and Vietnam. We look at the incentives offered for location of a factory or plant and the costs of doing business in that country. Not every country is the right choice for every project. Let us help ensure that your selection takes into account all of the tax and other incentives that can help you reduce costs and increase profits.
  • Site Selection / Logistics, Licenses and Permits – We work with major industrial parks, national business promotion agencies and local specialists on site selection, licenses and permits. In doing so, we can simplify your data collection and help ensure that you are receiving the most accurate information and are not missing key facts or failing to consider important information that can make your project more profitable and more predictable in terms of its success.
  • Due Diligence, Merger and Acquisition, Commercial Credit and status investigations – Our work includes Company registration; analysis of corporate history; corporate structure; company background, key person information, information on executives; financial profiles; banking relationships; auditing advisor and controls, operating situation; staff size; range of products; facilities; profiles of subsidiaries and affiliates; current challenges and market capabilities.
  • Translation of merchandising / promotional material – If you have existing material that needs to be translated ahead of a marketing push in Vietnam, Hong Kong/China, Thailand, Laos or Cambodia – we can provide timely translation of such material for you.
  • Translation of website – If you want your existing website to be translated for the Vietnamese, Hong Kong/Chinese markets – we can provide timely translation of such material for you.
  • Interpretation services – Should you require a trusted interpreter at attend a meeting or social event, we have a number of excellent associates in Vietnam and Hong Kong/China.
  • Provision of Legal & Regulatory Information – We can provide such information as it relates to Vietnam and Hong Kong/China.
  • Asset Protection - Inquiries on trademark and patent registration; intellectual property protection; trademark and copyright investigation in cases of infringement or trademark imitation in Vietnam and Hong Kong/China.
  • Company Establishment / Formation service to set up a company, branch or representative office in Hong Kong or Vietnam.
  • Local Representation in Vietnam or Hong Kong – We provide you with an address, telephone number that is answered with your company name and relaying of short message via SMS to a designated mobile phone. Should you visit Hong Kong or Vietnam, we can arrange all the travel and security requirements of your business delegation. We will meet your plane on arrival; arrange transportation and lodging for your visit; arrange translators/interpreters; set up meetings with government and business contacts; provide security during your visit if required. Prior to your trip, we can brief you on travel and transportation preparation and provide briefings on local social customs and business etiquette. After the trip, we can provide any follow-up investigation needs of you and your company.
  • Organisation of business seminars, workshops, exhibitions, and events. Call us to discuss your requirements