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Asia Trade Experts

"Doing business in Vietnam is about building relationships. You've got to get to know people first, you've got to get them to like you and then you can do the business.”
Mr. Tim Brownbill
HM Consul General Vietnam
Director of Trade & Investment Vietnam
UK Trade & Investment (UKTI)

Doing business in Asia

Although that quote is about Vietnam, it is true about Asia in general because the culture, history and society in Asia is all about relationships. The Chinese have a special word to describe the concept, it is Guanxi, which describes the basic dynamic in personalized networks of influence, and is a central idea in Chinese society. Guanxi can also be used to describe a network of contacts gained from social connections and usually extends from extended family, school friends, workmates and members of common clubs or organizations, which an individual can call upon when something needs to be done, and through which he or she can exert influence on behalf of another.
It is custom for Chinese people to cultivate an intricate web of guanxi relationships, which may expand in a huge number of directions, and includes lifelong relationships. In East Asian societies the boundary between business and social lives can sometimes be ambiguous as people tend to rely heavily on their closer relations and friends. This can result in nepotism as it is common for authoritative figures to draw from family and close ties.

Ask the Expert

Through the services of Asia Trade Experts, the Guanxi that has been built up over the past forty years by our Chief Expert and all of our experts is available to you. Asia Trade Experts has experienced experts with local knowledge and international experience in all our offices, who are able to help you track down the supplier that you are looking for or simply to answer your question.
In the first instance, please contact our Chief Expert, so that he may determine the most appropriate expert to deal with your query. It might be possible to arrange a video conference between the relevant expert(s) and yourself.
Below are just some of the experts available to help you. There are many more, some of which cannot ‘go public' because of their current situation or status. This is particularly true of some senior officials.
Karl D. John
Karl is our Chief Expert based in the United Kingdom, from where he makes frequent trips back to Asia.
Carl Stitt
Carl our Finance & Investment Expert based in the United Kingdom, from where he makes frequent trips back to Asia.
Jane Nguyen Quyen
Jane is our Communications & Marketing + Business Development Expert based in Vietnam.  She is also our Vietnam Representative.
Do Duc Thang
Thang is our Construction, Project and Waste Management Expert based in Vietnam.
Dovan Du Do
Dovan is our Technology, Training & Project Expert based in the United States of America, from where he makes frequent trips back to Vietnam.
Nguyen Xuan Phong
Nguyen is our Government & Foreign Affairs Expert, based in Vietnam.
Puongpun Sananikone
Puongpun is our Finance, Investment & International Development Expert based in the United States of America, from where he makes frequent trips back to Asia.
Michaela Hope

Michaela is our Communications, Marketing & Business Development Expert based in U.K.

Tran Thanh Thao
Tran is our Architect Expert based in Vietnam.
Tran Tri Dung
Tran is our Power Sector Expert based in Vietnam.

What makes Asia Trade Experts different from other consultants?

Most importantly, we have lived and worked throughout Asia, speak many Asian languages. Our Chief Expert was born in Hong Kong and lived there for 25 years, he has spent the last ten years in Vietnam. Despite relocating for a while to his home in Wales, his commitment to Asia continues with regular trade missions to Asia.

Crucially, we understand the law, culture and challenges of living and working throughout the region. We combine international knowledge and experience with local intelligence and connections.

Our resident experts are very experienced and more importantly are resident in their home country. Every expert is known personally by our Chief Expert because of personal relationships that have been built up over a number of years. We are able to make local introductions at a commercial or government level. We are also able to provide trade leads and conduct product sourcing. In addition, we provide local representation for overseas clients.

Strategically, we have people on the ground in most areas in Asia and access to a variety of specialists who will put your issue first, handle it confidentially and professionally. We currently have offices in Vietnam, Hong Kong, Australia and plan to open offices in two other Asian countries during 2012.

Honestly, we do not seek to be all things to everyone, nor to accept work where others may provide a better service. Each assignment will be analysed confidentially, if we believe to achieve the results you desire, others would represent you better, we will tell you.