Hong Kong
Why Hong Kong?
Business Opportunities
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Business Opportunities

Hong Kong is the UK's 2nd largest market in Asia and the Asia Pacific Head Quarters for several hundred UK companies. Because of history, Hong Kong has a unique East meets West identity.

With one of the most open and business-friendly environments in the world, Hong Kong offers excellent opportunities for UK companies. Hong Kong is a major centre for British business in the region. In 2010, UK exports of goods to Hong Kong were valued at £4.2. Billion, up by 20% over 2009, making Hong Kong the UK's 2nd largest market in Asia (after the Mainland) and our 12th largest export market worldwide. Not only is Hong Kong an attractive market in its own right and a springboard in to the Mainland China market, it is also an ideal base for regional operations.

Hong Kong is one of the world's major financial centres, therefore the financial services sector is well-established, particularly banking, insurance, asset management, wealth management and professional services. Hong Kong's history is built on Hong Kong's foundation as an entrepôt (trading post) where merchandise was imported and exported without paying import duties.

To say that anything goes in Hong Kong is a truism. When it comes to business opportunities, because of the world's largest consumer market (China) on Hong Kong's doorstep, it is hard to identify a particular sector where there are no opportunities.

This video from the HSBC Business Thinking Thought Exchange in Hong Kong focuses on understanding local business culture.

Hear it first hand from Iain Lindsay -- Director of Trade & Investment, Hong Kong, on why you should consider opportunities in Vietnam. Click here to watch a short video about the business opportunities in Hong Kong.

Perhaps you would like to hear Trade and Investment Minister, Lord Green describe about why UK companies should consider doing business in Hong Kong. Click here to watch a short video about why UK companies should consider doing business in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is one of the busiest cities in the world. In 2009, passenger arrivals and departures totaled 223 million and over 33,000 sea-going vessels arrived in Hong Kong. Due to the heavy air, land and port traffic, the government is receptive to adopting new technologies which enhance security whilst facilitate smooth processing of traffic, which provides opportunities for the security sector.

A number of specific opportunities are detailed on the UK Trade & Investment website:


They are:

Creative Industries Sector in Hong Kong - Latest overview of market potential for the Creative Industries Sector in Hong Kong.

Railway Sector in Hong Kong - Latest overview of market potential of railway opportunities in Hong Kong.

Financial & Professional Services Opportunities in Hong Kong and Macao - Hong Kong is Asia's hub for financial services, particularly strong in banking, insurance, asset management, wealth management and professional services. Links with the UK are very strong and the City of London is virtually replicated here.

Overseas Business Risk - Hong Kong - Information on key security and political risks which UK businesses may face when operating in Hong Kong.

Life Sciences Sector in Hong Kong - Report on the Life Sciences Sector in Hong Kong including characteristics of the market, opportunities and key methods of doing business..

Education & Training Sector in Hong Kong - Briefing on opportunities in the education and training market in Hong Kong.

Aerospace opportunities in Hong Kong - Latest overview of market potential for the aerospace sector in Hong Kong.

Food & Drink sector in Hong Kong & Macao - Find out about the opportunities in the food and drink sector in Hong Kong and Macao in this briefing by the British Consulate-General Hong Kong.

Consumer Goods Sector in Hong Kong and Macao - Latest overview of market potential marine opportunities in Hong Kong and Macao.

Environment Sector in Hong Kong - Latest overview of market potential of the Environment sector in Hong Kong.

Construction sector in Hong Kong - Find out about the opportunities in the construction sector in Hong Kong in this briefing by the UKTI team at the British Consulate General

ICT Sector in Hong Kong - Latest overview of market potential for the ICT Sector in Hong Kong.

Overseas Security Information For Business – Hong Kong - OSIB provides UK business with information relating to the security related risks which companies face when operating in Hong Kong