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Why Vietnam?

"Vietnam's expected growth rate of real per capita GDP between 2010 and 2050 is 6.4 percent, according to our projections. This growth is expected to come from a very low base – Vietnam starts from the 55th position in our rankings in the real per capita GDP rankings with a 2010 figure of $3,108.”

Willem Buiter and Ebrahim Rahbari
Citigroup economists

Vietnam scores 0.86 on the 3G index ( to top the list, followed by China with 0.81, India (0.71), Indonesia (0.70), Mongolia (0.63), the Philippines (0.60), Iraq (0.58), Bangladesh (0.39), Egypt (0.37), Sri Lanka (0.33), and Nigeria (0.25). Vietnam's investment rate, expected high growth rate and large population are among factors that makes it top the list of 11 nations with highest growth potential in the 21st century.

Vietnam's GDP has doubled every 10 years since 1986. Its economic growth has been second only to China. In 2010, GDP is predicted to be 5-6%. UK exports of goods to Vietnam have doubled since 2006.

Since accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2007, Vietnam has opened up its markets to foreign businesses and investors.

With a population of 86 million, 65% of which are aged under 35, the country has one of the most vibrant economies in Asia. As average income continues to rise, Vietnam has a growing domestic market for consumer goods.

Strong economic growth, coupled with rapid urban and industrial expansion means that many of the country's physical infrastructures require urgent re-development.

UK Trade & Investment