Hong Kong
News Digest
Articles written by our Chief Expert
Where our Chief Expert was quoted
Where our Chief Expert was interviewed

Articles written by our Chief Expert

Many of these articles were written during the period that our Chief Expert was resident in Vietnam, at that time, he was the Chairman of TCK Group and Chief Executive Officer for the Vietnam Project Management Group.
Vietnam's WTO hopes and dreams
Our Chief Expert wrote an article for Asia Times Online, titled "Vietnam's WTO hopes and dreams" which looks at the challenges ahead for the communist country, having become the 150th member of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
12 Jan 2007
The new Vietnam welcomes the world
Our Chief Expert wrote an article for Asia Times Online titled 'The new Vietnam welcomes the wolrld' when being the host for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, the communist country will be under the global spotlight.
16 Nov 2006
China and Vietnam put business first
On the 20th Anniversary of doi moi (economic renovation and reform program) our Chief Expert wrote ' China and Vietnam put business first' for Asia Times Online
25 Oct 2006
Vietnam opens wide to tourism
Our Chief Expert wrote about Vietnam's tourism potential in 'Vietnam opens wide to tourism' for Asia Times Online
12 Oct 2006
Vietnam's property market boils over
Our Chief Expert wrote an article titled 'Vietnam's property market boils over' for Asia Times Online, looking at whether Vietnam's explosive economic growth is inflating a property bubble.
27 July 2006
Vietnam's south takes leadership wheel
Our Chief Expert wrote an article for Asia Times Online titled 'Vietnam's South takes leadership wheel' looking at the appointment of Nguyen Tan  Dung, who had been groomed for the prime minister's post for the past nine years.
28 June 2006
Vietnam's WTO challenge
After nearly 11 years of negotiations, the US and Vietnam signed an agreement on the terms and conditions for Vietnam's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Our Chief Expert wrote about the challenges ahead in 'Vietnam's WTO challenge' for Asia Times Online
6 June 2006
Fast Pho-ward for noodle hit
Our Chief Expert wrote 'Fast Pho-ward for noodle hit' after speaking with Ly Qui Trung, the bold new face of Vietnamese free enterprise, who is behind one of Vietnam's most successful home-grown franchises.
4 May 4006
Vietnam's banks: A wild new world
Our Chief Expert wrote an article on Vietnam for Asia Times Online 'Vietnam's bank: A wild new world' looking at Vietnam's banking sector.
19 April 2006
The new optimism over Vietnam investments
Our Chief Expert wrote an article on Vietnam for Asia Times Online 'The new optimism over Vietnam investment.'
28 March 2006